Code of Conduct & Complaints Procedure

Bollington Harriers Code of Behavioural Conduct (23/07/24)

As a Club, members come together to participate and enjoy a common interest in running. Our Code of Conduct acts as a reminder of the standards of behaviour which we can all share. Members are expected to recognise that the organised activities of the club depend on the time and efforts of many volunteers who give a significant amount of their time for the benefit of the club and everyone does this with the best of intentions.

Within the context of the club, members or a person acting on behalf of the club are expected to:

  • Behave with respect to other members of the club, other runners and members of the public.

  • Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others; acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all club members, committee members, run leaders, and treat everyone equally.

  • Take responsibility for their own safety and not compromise the safety of others. Anticipate and be responsible for your own needs including being organised, having the appropriate kit and turning up on time to club sessions and events.

  • Respect and comply with the rules and regulations of competitions that they may participate in or assist with as an official.

  • Not publish defamatory material* or behave in a manner that may bring the club into disrepute.

  • Follow the Complaints Procedure if at any time they have cause for concern for the welfare, safety or behaviour of others or themselves.

  • Runners should be age 18 or above to participate in training sessions.

  • When taking part in club sessions members must wear appropriate clothing, have spare layers if colder and running shoes appropriate to the terrain. When dark, members should wear fluorescent clothing and carry a head/body torch. Run leaders reserve the right to ask a member to leave the organised run if they are ill-prepared, or not wearing appropriate clothes/shoes for the event.

  • On club runs, runners MUST not wear headphones, for safety and communication with other.

  • Online posts promoting products or services will only be allowed from those actively associated with, and members of, Bollington Harriers and we reserve the right to remove posts. Posts should be relevant to running.

  • Dogs are welcome on club runs but they must be under control, and the owning member assumes full responsibility and liability for any injury or damage caused by or to the dog. Depending on the situation you may be asked to run at the back of the group. Dogs who become heightened at the meeting point of a run should be taken away from the group.

  • These rules should be adhered to on every club run or event and also when wearing any item that has club colours / branding

  • This code applies both in the real world and (where relevant) on social media.

*Comments made verbally, on our social media pages – Facebook, X and/or website should not be abusive, offensive or derogatory and that if they are, the moderators reserve the right to delete these types of postings and exclude the author. The Club recognises that many runners make use of social media in a personal capacity. While they are not acting on behalf of the Club, members must be aware that they could risk damaging the club’s reputation if these are not appropriate (eg an individual may have many personal followers who are also club members). All members are therefore requested to ensure that they continue to recognise and respect this.

Club Complaints Procedure (23/2/21)

In the event that any member feels that he or she has suffered discrimination in any way or that the Club Policies, Rules or Code of Conduct has been broken they should follow the procedures below:

1. They should report the matter to the Club Secretary in writing or another member of the committee (if preferred). This report must include

  • Details of what, when and where the occurrence took place

  • Any witness statement and names

  • A suggested preference for a solution / outcome to the incident

  • If relevant:

    - details of any previous complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made
    - names of any others who have been treated in a similar way

2. The Club’s Committee will review the report and if necessary appoint a sub-group to investigate further

3. If any person is found to have broken the Club’s Policies or Codes of Conduct. The Club’s Committee will have the power to:

  • Warn as to future conduct

  • Suspend membership

  • Remove from membership

If the complainant feels there is no person on the committee they can report this incident to they have the right to report direct to ARC. Email: